Do guidelines grind throughout crisis? Services Blueprint on Hotel Business in Bangladesh during Covid-19 Pandemic

Nigar Sultana

Associate Professor
Department of Marketing, Jahangirnagar University, BD

Khulna University Business Review – A Journal of Business Administration Discipline, Khulna University, BD
Volume 15, Number 1, January to December 2020, Pages 01-24
DOI: 10.35649/KUBR.2021.16.1.1
Published: May 2022
Published Online:
May 2022

Purpose: Hotels services or businesses tremendously affected by COVID-19 pandemic. This study would provide the strategies such as services blueprint guidelines regarding services standard activities, hoteliers managerial decisions as well as future initiative-based yardstick.
Methodology: Qualitative research along with thematic analysis is used, and 10 local hoteliers and 10 chain hoteliers were acquired for depth interview data collection for this study.
Findings: The outcome of the research is the amalgamation of hotel services adaptations with crisis and updated activities during any pandemic or crisis. This paper suggests that hotel authorities have to adapt well thought standards what are evidenced based scientific dimensions. At the same hoteliers are recommended to put extra exertions and carefulness regarding services innovation, customers (guests) experiences and enhancing welcoming assertiveness but contactless or minimum contact during Pandemic or any crisis situations.
Originality/Value: This research provides an authentic theoretical contribution during Pandemic situation towards hotels services industry as well as adequate managerial implications provided not only for Bangladesh but also for overall the world.